The contrast climate, rich flora and fauna , marvelous landscapes of mountain valleys, slopes, snow-covered peaks, narrow mountain trails, roaring waterfalls and turbulent mountain rivers, blue lakes, picturesque mountain villages with their distinctive ancient folk traditions – all of this can be seen in the mountainous regions of Uzbekistan. There are more than60 sources of mineral waters of different chemical composition in the mountain area of Uzbekistan and many health centers and balneologic hospitals are organized on their basis. In Uzbekistan, there are dozens of large caves and caverns -Obirahmat, Teshiktash, Amankutan, Machala, Zarautsay, Amir-Temir, etc. Favorite tourist trails lead to the canyons ofKirk kyz in Zaamin area Guralash, Sufa and Koitash. In Tashkent, Surkhandarya, Samarkand, Kashkadarya regions the mountains are interesting with their botanical, geological and hydrogeological nature sanctuaries, waterfalls and the outputs of groundwater. Many interesting monuments of ancient history – rock carvings and burial mounds, forts, of primitive people camps traces, the remains of mines and smelters, antiquity preserved to this day. Ethnographic specificity of mountain people, the uniqueness of villages and the villages, exotic forms of mountain agriculture are different from the habitual form of life and cause everyone’s curiosity which can be satisfied only by visiting Uzbekistan.Powerful and complicated mountain range inCentral Asia belongs to the highest ranges of the Eurasian mountain chain crossing from west to east the whole Eurasian continent. Tien Shan and Pamir-Alai are included in the central, highest part of the so-called High Asia, and constitute its north-western edge. Mountains of Central Asia are the part of the world’s greatest mountain ranges site where converge the Tien Shan and Pamir-Alai, Kuen Lun, Karakoram, Himalayas andthe Hindu Kush. Uzbekistan’s mountains cover an area of 96 thousand square kilometers, accounting for 21.3% of the country.Mountainous area of Uzbekistan is home to about 2 million people (1987), accounting for 10% of the population of Uzbekistan.
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